7 Ways to Help Sooth Leg Pain

Chronic leg pain is surprisingly common, and yet the cause can be difficult to pinpoint. Many patients suffer from pain that extends down one or both legs, and it can severely impact their quality of life.

Doctors may prescribe medications for short-term relief of pain. However, recent research suggests some promising nonsurgical treatments. Read on about these non-invasive methods for leg pain relief.


Millions of people in the United States experience chronic back pain. It is often complicated by related symptoms such as headaches, numbness in the arms and legs, feet/leg swelling, fatigue, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

Studies show that acupuncture can offer significant therapeutic benefits in patients with peripheral neuropathy (nerve damage in the hands and feet). Acupuncture is also safe, affordable, and widely available.


Yoga’s many documented benefits include stress relief, improved mood, and more flexible muscles (which can help relieve some types of leg pain). According to researchers, yoga has been effective at addressing some symptoms related to chronic lower leg pain; however, they caution that there are some risks associated with some poses. If you plan on practicing yoga regularly, be sure to ask your doctor about specific forms of yoga that might be dangerous if you have certain medical conditions or injuries.


Aerobic exercise reduces stress, eases pain, and boosts your immune system. It can also improve your mental health by increasing serotonin. Regular aerobic exercise may be the key to reducing chronic lower leg pain. Research published in The Journal of Pain reports that aerobic exercise significantly reduced lower extremity pain among a group of people over age 60 who experienced persistent pain for at least three months.

Massage Therapy

Massage is associated with improved mood, decreased anxiety, and tension, lower blood pressure and improved range of motion. Massage has beneficial effects on people suffering from neuropathic leg pain. Those suffering from chronic conditions such as diabetic peripheral neuropathy and post-stroke paresis can find massage therapy an effective leg pain treatment.

Medication Management

Used correctly, medications can lower leg pain and return you to your normal activity levels. Combined with other therapies, medications can be a strong tool in combatting the debilitating effects of chronic leg pain.

Trigger Point Injections

Trigger point injections may be a useful tool for chronic leg pain. Trigger points are sensitive bands of knot s of muscle that can be a source of pain when pressed. Physicians target the irritated aera with revitalizing medications for immediate leg pain relief.


Neuromodulation, also called spinal cord stimulation, is an implantable device-based therapy that can interrupt or modulate the pain signals transmitted from the spinal cord to the brain. Initial trials indicate that 30% of patients who receive such treatment experience a significant reduction in neuropathic (nerve) pain.

If you suffer from chronic leg pain, these five alternative treatments may help improve your quality of life. Consult with our physicians at Greater Maryland Pain Management to learn more about the best course of treatment for your unique situation.